

Homes my clients rented

Homes my clients rented

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sometimes in Property Management you just have to be Abigail…

Abigail’s story begins in 1 Samuel 25 and the example she sets begins in verse 18. It starts with the wisdom of acting quickly to resolve an imminent problem. This was a predicament that she didn’t cause (Nabal’s doing-- her pompous hubby) but would surely impact her and her family in the worse way!

For video discussion about Abigail ~ Click photo

 It’s no different when we deal with our renters, prospects or team members that have been treated poorly or is inconvenienced by a maintenance emergency or troublesome neighbor.  It’s not just our job but mission to rally up the best we have to offer and present it humbly to an offended party.

Although Abigail is described, as intelligent and beautiful, I believe those qualities are second to her courage and faith.  Below is a list from the scripture of what she presented to the anointed David to avert a possible massacre. 

 two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, five seah of roasted grain, a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs,


WOW! What will you offer the next time you have to smooth things over to prevent a tragedy? My advice. . .Prepare your offerings today so that you can act as quickly as Abigail!