

Homes my clients rented

Homes my clients rented

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Bottom Line… Is Love.

One of the best Property Management nuggets can be traced back to the ancient idea of Love Thy Neighbor, found in the Bible in Matthew 22:39. You can’t go wrong with this. It can resolve a multitude of problems before they ever reach your inbox, voicemail or leasing office. And as this advice goes for neighbors it can also apply to the property staff and residents - Love Thy Residents. As radical as this sounds, this too is an idea you cant go wrong with. It can transform a properties closing ratio, retention percentage and decrease turn over with the least effort. For example: becoming proactive instead of reactive ~ Instead of waiting for residents to make appointments with us managers to discuss an emerging concern or problem, lets make an appointment with residents to discuss how we can best serve them. The option to decline will be theirs, but I have faith, that the effort if sincere enough will go along way$. Reasonably affecting the bottom line.
I love the example of Octavia Hill, a pioneer in Property Management that I can’t help to be inspired by. Learning about her efforts in the London, multi-housing industry over a century ago has proven to me that when the bottom line meets love everybody win$!